Every week the staff of Dare Dreamer FM picks five Creative Commons songs that are free to use in your productions. You could do this work yourself, but it takes a lot of time. Since we do it anyway as we look for CC music for Radio Film School, we share our favorite discoveries with you. Enjoy!
This Week’s Picks
I’ve become a big fan of David’s inaugural album, “Bonfire Music.”I used the titular track in the last official RFS episode, “S.O.S. Atlantis”. I love his takes on some old folk classics that take me back to my childhood. I used “Mocking Bird” for my latest client video.
The other classic childhood classic on his a/bum I really like is “Twinkle Twinkle.”
I would not be surprised at all if his tunes show up in one or two future episodes of the show.
As of the writing of this blog post, I’m still trying to decide if I want to use this song in the opening of the next RFS (premiering Oct 13). I love its slow opening and build up. I guess you’ll need to tune in to find out.
I have no idea what this guy is singing about, but I don’t care. This has such an 80s pop feel to it. Can’t you imagine hearing this in some John Hughes transitional scene or high school montage? Totally dude!
The PERFECT soundtrack for that next Hitchcockian thriller you shoot. I will almost definitely use this in the Hitchcock episode of the show.
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