On this episode of Radio Film School, we look at first times in filmmaking, through the metaphor of love.
Firsts always hold a special place in our hearts. Your first kiss. Your first time driving. The first time you got to stay up past your bedtime. Your first, you know… the first time seeing Star Wars. Firsts make a lasting imprint that we just…can’t…seem…to shake. Today on the show we look at “first times” as they relate to filmmaking and seen through the metaphor of love. We’ll hear from various filmmakers about their respective “first times” falling in love with cinema and filmmaking. We’ll also hear the story about my filmmaking first and how it lead to me becoming enamored with the craft.
Also, the “Gayle” to my “Oprah”; the “Fresh Prince” to my “Carlton” is back for another round of “How to be a Black Filmmaker in the 90s.” JD Cochran and I have an insightful conversation regarding my very first scripted short film, including how I DIDN’T pick two actors who have gone on to star in big TV shows. It’s a story about going with your gut as an artist.
Finally, after the credits we have another bonus segment that may crack you up.
This episode is sponsored by Song Freedom. Be sure to listen to the episode to get a special discount code granting you one free song credit.
Music in this Episode
“12 Lost Love Letters” and “Erik” by Fog Lake. CC BY.
“Ragtime Dance” by Scott Joplin. Public Domain.
“Shower Scene” (Instrumental) by Josh Woodward. CC BY.
“Tech Toys” by Lee Rosevere. CC BY-SA.
“I Don’t Think” by Alec’s Band. CC BY.
“Air Hockey Saloon” by Chris Zabriskei. CC BY.
“Nake Street” by Cosmic Analog Ensember.CC BY.
“Preachin’ Dem Blues” by The Good Lawdz. CC BY.
“Montmartre” by Jahzzar. CC BY.
“At Last” and “Let’s Get It On” courtesy of Song Freedom. All rights reserved.
Here’s my very first film school short film project, “Deja Vu.” There’s an audio commentary to walk you through it. Enjoy!
Here’s that photo of me on the set that I referenced.

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